When our primitive brain is activated, we can be swept away by uncomfortable emotions and physical sensations. Saying something as simple as “fear is here” or “I’m experiencing fear” brings our prefrontal cortex online. It’s like pressing the brakes instead of the gas.
As you’re sitting in traffic, waiting for your meeting to begin, your hypothalamus in your brain tells you to release stress hormones. These are the same hormones that cause your body to fight or flight. When you release these hormones, your heart races, your breath gets faster, and your muscles get ready to take action.
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Humans are the only mammals that don’t make their own vitamin C. Interestingly Vitamin C is so important that literally, most other mammals have the ability to create their own. Aside from boosting the immune system, vitamin C also plays a role in various other functions of the body. It can help with the absorption
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